come what may

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

...the best laid plans...

yes, even the best laid plans can be foiled by unforseen circumstances... there goes my week get-away with Jia but theres no one to blame... as xiu said "you gotta do what u gotta do" and right now what I gotta do is stand by my family when they need me... I'm only a plane flight away... theres really no decision to be made...I can only sincerely apologise to Jia - for once again being the one who dashed the plans, for making him lose 1 week's pay, for being the one who is always 'running away', for being the one who always seem to be putting in less... there's really a whole lot of other things
perhaps what's not meant to be is just not meant to be...but hopefully, theres still another annual leave to come at the end of intern year... dare i plan again...


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